Season 3 (2018) Episode 2

Season 3 Episode 2
‘The Elephants in the Room’


Ruth McGill, Michael Harding, Panti Bliss, Amy Conroy, Ronan Brady and Jessica Traynor

In this episode of Pantisocracy, the cabaret of conversations, host Panti Bliss meets writer Michael Harding, actor and singer Ruth McGill, aerial performer Ronan Brady, playwright Amy Conroy and poet Jessica Traynor in an episode called ‘The Elephants in the Room’.

The Panti Monologue – 'The Little Elephants in the Room' – Pantisocracy Season 3 Episode 2 from Athena Media on Vimeo.


Listen to the extended podcast mix of the radio show:


Ruth McGill – 'The Good' (Performance) – Pantisocracy Season 3 Episode 2 from Athena Media on Vimeo.



Amy Conroy – ‘Luck Just Kissed You Hello’ (Performance) – Pantisocracy Season 3 Episode 2 from Athena Media on Vimeo.



July 10th 2018 22.00 – 23.00 on RTÉ Radio 1


Panti Bliss kicks off with a moving and dark memory of her time in boarding school while Ruth performs two of her own songs ‘The Good’ and ‘See You’ while Jessica Traynor performs her poem ‘The Artane Band’ and Amy Conroy shares a slice of her recent play ‘Luck Just Kissed You Hello’

• Listen to more Pantisocracy podcasts via Soundcloud


• See the full video channel via Pantisocracy on Vimeo


Ruth McGill – ‘See You’ (Performance) – Pantisocracy Season 3 Episode 2 from Athena Media on Vimeo.



Jessica Traynor – ‘The Artane Band’ (Performance) – Pantisocracy Season 3 Episode 2 from Athena Media on Vimeo.